Wider technologicaltrends
It is possible to identify, for the yearsto come, four distinct macro-trends that will shape the future ofIT, together with the explosion of Ubiquitous devices thatconstitute the future Internet of Things:
1. The first one, sometimes referred as “exaflood”or “data deluge”, is the explosion of the amount of data collectedand exchanged. Just to give some numbers, business forecastsindicate that in the year 2015 more than 220 Exabaytes of data willbe stored. As current network are ill-suited for this exponentialtraffic growth, there is a need by all the actors to re-thinkcurrent networking and storage architectures. It will be imperativeto find novel ways and mechanisms to find, fetch, and transmitdata. One relevant reason for this data deluge is the explosion inthe number of devices collecting and exchanging information asenvisioned as the Internet of Things becomes a reality.
2. The energy required to operate the intelligentdevices will dramatically decreased. Already today many datacentres have reached the maximum level of energy consumption andthe acquisition of new devices has necessarily to follow thedismissal of old ones. Therefore, the second trend can beidentified covering all devices and systems from the tiniest smartdust to the huge data centres: The search for a zero level ofentropy where the device or system will have to harvest its ownenergy.
3. Miniaturisation of devices is also taking placeamazingly fast. The objective of a single-electron transistor isgetting closer, which seems the ultimate limit, at least until newdiscoveries in physics.
4. Another important trend is towards autonomicresources. The ever growing complexity of systems will beunmanageable, and will hamper the creation of new services andapplications, unless the systems will show self-* properties, suchas self-management, self-healing and self-configuration.